
Thursday 25 July 2013


Hi! I'm back again with my exciting and beautiful trip to Parys yesterday! As promised, I want to share Deon's collection of succulents and interesting museum with you.

There is also a small garden where he sells beautiful terracotta pots and a nice selection of succulents. He mentioned that he has more plants on their way, so I look forward to seeing them. Think I will have to post more pics once they arrive.

I absolutely love visiting their Museum and always see something new that I never saw with my previous visit there. This museum houses a collection of Anglo Boer War artifacts and some Voortrekker pieces.

   Thanks for stopping by.  I trust you love this place as much as I do! Hope to see you tomorrow!


  1. Fabulous - wow. I love plants in terracotta pots because they just look so much better.

    Lovely old pictures & history - thanks for sharing! It will be on my agenda when I visit again *hint*


    1. Agg thanks darling! Yes you will love it! I got the hint and will take you there.

  2. Scusami, Reckie.... ma preferisco fare i commenti in italiano... non ho pratica sufficiente in inglese per spiegare sensazioni ed emozioni. Tu trasmetti una grande energia e vitalità e questo trapela dalle tue foto. Ben scattate... brava! In quanto agli oggetti e mobili, come saprai, in Italia siamo piuttosto forniti di cose vecchie... :) l'Italia è pienissima di mercati dove trovare mobili da restaurare, oggetti di memoria e con tanta storia dietro. Ti divertiresti molto qui da noi! un abbraccio, Anna.

    1. Ahhh Anna - luckily there is a translation that is easy to follow. I love old things too & will visit your blog as well. Mine is Dee at the Carlton
